You get the 30-page ebook:
"Solved - What To Actually DO To Start Earning From Your Online Business!"
In the following formats:
1. Ready to go PDF
2. Open Office .doc editable format
3. Mac Pages editable format
4. Plain Text file
You get the salespage:
1. In HTML format - 2 versions:
(One version with my branding)
(One without my branding that you can put your own details in)
PLR and CO-BRANDING License:
Once you purchase this license you can edit the book as you wish, put your own links in, rebrand, rename, retitle, claim ownership and basically do anything you want except for three things:
1. You can't pretend to be me, although it's fine to offer this ebook with my branding alongside your own under your CO-BRANDING RIGHTS license, and keep 100% of the profits. You'll also need to answer any queries, support or questions yourself.
The whole point is to leverage my reputation so as far as the salespage is concerned I'm fine if we look like partners - that's the point :)
(Of course if you sell the book solely under your own name you can do anything you want)
2. You can't sell on any rights such as White-Label, Reseller, MRR, PLR or whatever.
3. You can't claim the copyright.