So You Can Leverage My Credibility By Using My Image and Name Alongside Your Name

(My results from using this ACTUAL method last month)
"Get full White Label  CO-BRAND RIGHTS To This Evergreen Front-End Product"
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This is the first time I've ever offered co-brand rights for this new product

You get this full 'Done For You' information product, with a PLR license so you keep 100% of the profit AND you can feature your name and photo (if you want to of course) on the sales page (also provided)... you can leverage my credibility by using my name and photo alongside your own with this 30-page main product

What's it about?

I wrote this myself so if you've read any of my content you'll know that it's a good, enjoyable, informative read. I don't do boring or 'normal' so you're getting a VERY good deal here.

The subject of the report is about how to create products that actually SELL and in any niche too. 

It's a technique I use myself and once I started using it have NEVER GONE BACK because it's so effective.

I've showed clients how to use this method in their own product creation and watched their sales increase multiple times for much less work

This is the info I use as the basis of some of my best VIP coaching and it's something that you can use as a main product, make into a course or use as the basis of your OWN coaching program.

This is powerful stuff.

Below Is The Salespage You'll Get With Your PLR and Co-Branded Licence
Back to the license...

So I'll include a copy of the salespage above, leaving my details in place, so you can add your own name and photo as my partner on the salespage (obviously you can just sell it yourself if you wish by removing my details)

The only thing you CAN'T do is sell on any sort of rights to this product - PLR, White-Label, Resell rights etc or include it in a membership site in any way.

What Do You Get?

 You get the 30-page ebook:

"Solved - What To Actually DO To Start Earning From Your Online Business!"

In the following formats:

1. Ready to go PDF

2. Open Office .doc editable format

3. Mac Pages editable format

4. Plain Text file

You get the salespage:

1. In HTML format - 2 versions:

(One version with my branding)

(One without my branding that you can put your own details in)

PLR and CO-BRANDING License:

Once you purchase this license you can edit the book as you wish, put your own links in, rebrand, rename, retitle, claim ownership and basically do anything you want except for three things:

1. You can't pretend to be me, although it's fine to offer this ebook with my branding alongside your own under your CO-BRANDING RIGHTS license, and keep 100% of the profits. You'll also need to answer any queries, support or questions yourself.

The whole point is to leverage my reputation so as far as the salespage is concerned I'm fine if we look like partners - that's the point :)

(Of course if you sell the book solely under your own name you can do anything you want)

2. You can't sell on any rights such as White-Label, Reseller, MRR, PLR or whatever.

3. You can't claim the copyright.

What can you use this white-label for?

The only limit is your imagination...

My advice would be to use it as an upsell in your funnel, behind your front-end to profit at the point of sale, or as one of your 'products for prospects' if you've taken my Flipping The Switch course

Obviously the main reason I'm offering the CO-BRANDING license alongside the PLR license to give you a 'leg up' if you want one, by partnering with me to offer this product (obviously you keep 100% of the profit)

But you could also use it as the basis of a 121 or email coaching program, a drip-fed course or convert it into a video product, or whatever way you wish

You can obviously put your own links in there and benefit from sales that come from those too.

Remember I'm here to HELP, not to restrict you in any way, so if you're not sure about what you want to do just drop me a line at the email at the bottom of this page and I'm pretty sure we can find a way to make it work!

You Also Get My Help And Advice Via Email For 7 Days After Purchase!

If you've been on my list for any length of time you'll know I don't take your money and run, leaving you high and dry.

Quite the opposite in fact because I realise some of you will have questions or want advice and help about how best to use this within your business.

So for seven days after your purchase I'll be available at the email address below (it gets directly to me - you'll be emailing ME and not some outsourcer) to answer any questions you might have.

Because of the nature of this offer there are NO refunds, so please be sure you can use this in your business before you purchase.

Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe

Here's my personal email address and feel free to use it:

Because of the nature of this product license there is no money back guarantee. 
Copyright Hippy Marketing / Tony Shepherd 2017 © All Rights Reserved
Laycock Publishing, Guardian House, 42 Preston New Road, Blackburn, BB2 6AH