I'm sharing the EXACT SAME strategy I was forced to adopt very recently when one part of my business suddenly stopped functioning as effectively as it had in the past...yet when I implemented this CPC Strategy my income actually GREW significantly

"I'll show you how to develop your own CPC (core profit centre) and make it the most profitable, effective and Easy to operate part of your business!"
...or Helps you create One if you don't yet have an online business!"

You get access to the same simple Strategy I now teach to my Private Clients who suffer from worry, indecision or not knowing what to do or where to focus in their online business

I'll show you how to focus on maximising your income while working on the parts of your business that come easiest to you

A quick message from
Here's something I've never admitted before:

Not too long ago, a certain part of my business suddenly stopped working as effectively as it had been doing for years.

I don't know WHY it stopped working but I started to panic in a big way because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fix it.

Worse, it was something that I used to be pretty good at and could get results effortlessly.

But something changed - whether it was me, the marketplace, technology or my target audience, I still don't know.

But my results started dipping and I couldn't get them back on track. 
So i devised my CPC (Core Profit Centre) Approach and it actually INCREASED my profit despite the 'broken' part of my biz
Truth told I didn't have a choice...

I had to come up with something pretty quickly to get things back on track so I created my CPC strategy.

Now this is NOT some convoluted, complicated method,  - quite the opposite. 

This is basically a highly effective but very simple way of pinning down where your main profit comes from in your business, or helping create it if you don't yet have one and optimising it for maximum profit. 

Have things that used to work for you stopped working?  or perhaps you're struggling to make anything work for you?
Here's the thing:

You might be focusing on the wrong thing when it comes to running a profitable online business

You see, whatever has happened in the past in your business need have NO EFFECT whatsoever on what goes on in the future.

So if something hasn’t worked for you, if you’ve found the whole thing overwhelming or you simply don’t know what to do…it doesn’t matter, because that was then.

So if you’re willing to make the shift to a new approach that works you can put the past behind you for good.

The approach I’m about to share with you in this publication is incredibly simple.

Yet it works beautifully

Proof That It Works
It has worked for me, for my clients and for other marketers I know both in the past (before I realised what it even was or gave it a name).

I'll show you how this works for me right now, and worked for people I know and have worked with in the past. Right back to the days of printed 'Biz Opps' pamphlets too!

It works for my private clients
This is now also a strategy I use with my Private Clients, especially those who are natural ‘worriers’ or those who struggle to know what to do in those their business (these guys often make the most successful marketers)

And it works well for clients who have been taught to operate an online business in a certain way and then find they just can’t make it work for them through no fault of their own because what they’ve been taught is MUCH too rigid and unforgiving.

Warning - this is not for everyone
I do have to tell you that some people won't get along with my Core Profit Centre Strategy.

It's not for everyone, and I have found that sometimes people who tend towards being perfectionists, or can't move forwards without all the boxes being ticked sometimes struggle to get on with this.

So if you have a thing about there being a 'right way' to operate an online business then this possibly isn't for you.

I now use my cPC strategy every single day in my business
When I hit the problems with the other part of my business as I mentioned at the top of this page...

...I got an active demonstration of how effective the CPC Strategy really can be when I looked at my bottom line and saw it increasing despite the other issues in by business!

AND I realised how I could focus on the most interesting and profitable parts of my business without feeling guilty because I was neglecting other aspects.
Is this for you?
While I can't answer that 100%

(Because I don't know where exactly you're up to with your online business)

I can say this:

If you suffer from worry about your online business or not knowing what you should be concentrating on, or doing on a daily basis in your business then YES I think my CPC Strategy can help.

As I said earlier, I use it with my Private clients, use it my OWN business and with any of my coaching students who are confused about how to get their own profit centre up and running or optimised.

Here are just some of the things you'll discover:
  • ​The money i was leaving on the table started it all (Page 5)
  • I 'thought' this was a good conversion rate (Page 5)
  • ​How much money I was ACTUALLY losing  (Page 6)
  • They will buy eventually, but here's the BIG snag (Page 7)
  • ​The reason I decided to change things  (Page 8)
  • The lightning bolt  (Page 10)
  • ​The story of a client who hired me (Page 11)
  •  The $5,000 complaint (Page 13)
  • ​Allowing the money to flow in to your business  (Page 16)
  • An eye opener for me that I never forgot (Page 18)
  • ​The part of my business that suddenly STOPPED working (Page 19)
  •  I panicked but couldn't stop profits going lower (Page 20)
  •  How I stopped the rot and INCREASED my profits instead (Page 21)
  • A real case study (Page 22)
  • ​How to find YOUR Core Profit Centre (CPC)  (Page 24)
  • The main CPC strategy and how to implement it (Page 25)
  • ​An ex-girlfriend and focusing on the negatives (Page 27)
  • Doing THIS is seriously bad for you profits (Page 28)
  • ​How to work our what your CPC should be (Page 29)
  • Why my products are NOT my CPC (Page 30)
  • ​Why my LIST isn't even my CPC (Page 31)
  • Helping a client find his CPC (Page 32)
  • ​And how his entire business is now based around his CPC (Page 34)
  •  Four ways to monetise your CPC (Page 35)
  • ​Identifying and monetising your MAIN Core Profit Centre (Page 36)
  • The reason your CPC works (Page 37)
  • ​How your CPC makes your business unique (Page 38)
  • Your CPC and how it helps the weaker areas of your business (Page 39)
  • ​It's YOUR business so you make the CPC rules (Page 40)
  • Monetise, Monetise, Monetise! (Page 41)
  • The focus shift trick (Page 42)
  • ​Is the Law of Attraction at work here? (Page 43)
  • ​Final thoughts from a six figures a year underachiever :) (Page 45)
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What exactly do you get?

You get this no-fluff 45-page PDF publication that shares my Core Profit Centre Strategy

 ...and how I use it MY business every day and use it with my Private Clients.

You can start using these strategies immediately.

Put in a little work and you'll see an increase in conversions with your existing business, and if you are new to marketing and begin to implement this strategy I fully believe you'll find it easier and faster to start making significant profit

You get simplicity - My CPC strategy is simple and workable regardless of what level you're at

You get actual examples too - This isn't just theory

I use my CPC strategy in my own business and have seen my income increase because of it.

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What do you get with the license?

You get the 45-page ebook:

"The CPC Strategy"

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1. Ready to go PDF

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See you on the inside...

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P.S. Simple changes can make the biggest differences to your online business. You just need someone to show you WHAT to change. That's what I'm offering here today.

P.P.S. Remember I use all the exact same CPC Strategy in my OWN business. 

Copyright Hippy Marketing /Tony Shepherd 2019 © All Rights Reserved
Guardian House, 42 Preston New Road, Blackburn, BB2 6AH