big, beardy yorkshire-based internet writer reveals the secret of making paid traffic work so well that he barely even thinks about it any more
Introducing Tony Shepherd's...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
if you think solo ads are risky you've been doing it wrong. Here's how to do it RIGHT:
My most requested workshop EVER
when you master this you'll never worry about Paid traffic again...
(even if you've tried solo ads in the past and they haven't worked for you)
you can get started NOW and be seeing results in within 24 hours

I've NEVER shared this information before

A quick message from Tony Shepherd...

So imagine your day...

You wander to your desk with a cup of hot steaming coffee (briefly glancing out of the window to see your neighbours begin their daily commute to work in the pouring rain) and switch on your computer to check your sales and new subscribers to your list that have come in overnight.

With a smile you quickly log into your account and order 200 clicks to be sent to your latest mini-funnel which took just a few hours to put together. 

The traffic will be there within hours and you'll see the results tomorrow morning.

No scrabbling around spending months trying to rank a site so Google 'might' send you a few clicks, no embarrassing emails begging unresponsive  JV partners to send traffic to your offers, or worse, having to promote products that you know are sub-standard in the hope of getting a return mailing

Once you know how to make solo ads 'stack' it's a different world.

YOU control your own traffic.

And even better, it's on tap.

You can have it flowing to your website almost instantly, whenever you have a new product to launch or when you find an affiliate offer that pays juicy commissions.

Yes I know I'm painting a pretty picture here - I even threw in the 'pouring rain' for a little colour, but I want you to know that this CAN be your reality.

its simple - When you have the ability to get paid traffic to your offers without worrying about making a loss, you can build your list and make money consistently and very quickly

So let's talk about solo ads...

If you didn't know, solo ads are email-based advertisements you buy from other email list owners. They're typically sent as dedicated emails – so the entire message is all about your promotion.

Solo ads are the ONLY form of paid traffic I use, and I've used them successfully for years to build my list and sell my products, to the tune of six figures a year.

I profit from solo ads when many, perhaps MOST marketers can't make them work.

Not just 'sometimes' either - I make a consistent ongoing profit that pretty much removes the risk from a paid traffic method by using a different strategy than most.

so why does my strategy work when so many marketers struggle?
Because I work solo ads a little differently.

I track differently (the simplest yet most effective tracking you could ever imagine), I don't use big complex funnels (I use one simple micro-funnel), I move the goalposts in a way that gives me a serious advantage and I have stupidly simple formula for back-end profit that has never let me down.

In short I keep everything incredibly simple, which makes my system easy to use and and easy to track so I always know where I stand with profit and new subscribers.

I also have a 'buying point' strategy which maximises my profit and at the same time ensures I don't make a loss. This means my solo ads are effectively free, profitable AND so my list grows with every solo I run

I'll share EXACTLY what I do- nothing left out - so you can replicate it.

I'll show you how to use small (less than $75) solo ads in ways that will not only pay for themselves, but add serious profit to your bottom line

In short - I can show you how to use solo ads to take your business EXACTLY where you want it to be.

to acquire the exact same strategy i use to make solo ads work, get instant access Below now:



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track

  • One In-Depth Email Appraisal of Your Business or Business Plan

*I'll do a marketing and strategy appraisal and give you my insights into your business (or business plan if you're still at planning stage) suggest changes, offer advice and include my suggested action plan



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track

  • One In-Depth Email Appraisal of Your Business or Business Plan

*I'll do a marketing and strategy appraisal and give you my insights into your business (or business plan if you're still at planning stage) suggest changes, offer advice and include my suggested action plan

  • 3 Weeks (Mon-Thurs) Personal one-on-one email mentoring  to help you implement and action this strategy

*This is where we can work together to build the strategies into your business system, ideas and income-generating system. I will personally reply to your emails, advise on strategy, help with your decision making (should you require), evaluate and advise on your sales pages, lead generation processes and any other areas of your business that you wish.

$197 $97 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
I'm looking forward to working with you...

Best Wishes,

P.S. Any questions contact me:

Copyright © Tony Shepherd 2025