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"the only difference between where you are NOW and a six figure business is having processes as part of your strategy"
(Even if you've never Made A Penny So Far)
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Introducing Tony Shepherd's...
"Profit Processes Workshop"
"How To Create Consistent Income, Follow-Up, Traffic and Results in your online business!"
I'm sharing (for the first time) the business-changing, life-changing breakthrough I made in my business...that made everything click into place and made every piece fit!

...the Simple truth is this is what changed Everything for me

These processes Working in your business will almost force you to be successful
(they are also the profit processes I teach to my private clients)

Add An extra Zero To Your Current Income...
A quick message from Tony Shepherd...

Let's get right to it.

There is no better, faster or more effective way of adding a zero to your current monthly income than installing Profit Processes into your business.

When you start to use Profit Processes things will happen fast.

You're really going to notice the change in your business, in your results and in your income

I delayed my success for years because I was too stubborn to implement to the strategies I'm sharing in this workshop

(If you get just one thing from this workshop then its the opportunity NOT to waste several years before you realise you need this)

Here's another bombshell: 

Profit processes are not magical, hidden or mysterious. 

It's just that most people don't realise how badly they need them in their businesses.

And they work ten times better than anything else I've ever tried in my entire online business life. Bar none.

Yet up until now I've never created a product, workshop or ANY training about them before (although I do teach Profit Processes to my private clients)

So why now?

Because when I DID start teaching it to my private clients I discovered that barely one in ten knew about these strategies, even though I had always assumed it was 'out there'...

...and even fewer understand how vital this is to their business.

So I'm sharing it with you right ow, today.

This is Probably the most effective strategy that I've ever shared
I was looking through some old diaries and notebooks - business diaries that I used years ago to keep track of calls, payments, business ideas, launches and that sort of thing

Going back to 2009 I found a diary entry that simply said 'Adding second process today'

I knew instantly what it referred to

I was 'adding' that second process because the one I'd installed in my business the previous month had boosted my income by over $1,000 a WEEK in less than 30 days

And it was showing no signs of slowing down.

The second process I installed (the one in the diary entry) doubled that amount.

And within a couple of months I'd had my first $10,000 month

All because of Profit Processes

The same strategy that I'm sharing HERE TODAY for the first time in this workshop, and the same one I use with my private clients.

Side-note: As I was creating this I asked my wife if she'd ever heard me mention Profit Processes before.

She said yes, and told me what she remembers about the first time I used them in my business.

She said before profit processes we always needed to get a loan or finance to buy a car.

After profit processes was when we started paying cash :)

Results that are Definitely NOT standard
OK, you know me - I don 't spin yarns or tell tall tales - so you can take this to the bank when I tell you that the Profit Processes in my Workshop could be your ticket to your next income level 

You can implement this straight away

Change your existing business or build it new from the ground up

Or use Profit Processes in just part of your business.

But let me be blunt for a second...

This isn't some hack or loophole.

If you really 'get' what I'm going to share with you about profit processes, then this is genuine life-changing stuff - and I don't use that phrase lightly.

It's THE lightbulb moment for some people (certainly was for me) and it's the way I'm moving forward with my business as I write this.

(I currently use these strategies in my business but recently I've been adding more and one thing is happening - I'm making more money)

It requires some thinking, and some application of course, this is no magic bullet, but blimey the results...

Depending on your business you should start seeing a difference by working on these for just 60 minutes a week minimum in my estimation, but of course you'll see results faster if you invest a little more time.
You will Be The One To take your business to the next level...
...I'm Just handing you the roadmap
Yes of course I'd love to take all the credit for the monthly income you're very likely to earn from using Profit Processes :)

But I can't...

Because it won't be me making the changes, it'll be you.

I'm just handing you the roadmap that most successful marketers already know - that you need Profit Processes in your business if you want to stop scratching around for leads, sales and revenue and actually move your business to a level that you can be proud of, and that can literally change your life if you're willing to put the work in.

Even more impressive, it'll be YOU who actually devises the exact Profit Process you'll install in your business, and the level of income they generate.
So what exactly ARE Profit Processes?
The Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar question...

(Actually since I started using Profit Process $64,000 would be a hell of a pay cut but you get the idea)

In truth it's kind of difficult to tell you exactly what Profit Processes are because they're different for every business and every marketer. My job is just to help you add what you need.

I give plenty of examples, case studies and real-world applications in the workshop about how my clients use them, how successful marketers use them and the difference they will (not can) WILL make to your business.

So while they're different for every individual business they fulfil the same goals, so it's not difficult in the workshop to show you exactly what and how to install them in your own business, along with case studies and other examples.

But as I said earlier, I'll bet you a hundred quid that most unsuccessful businesses are NOT running profit processes. I don't see how they could be, or they wouldn't be so unsuccessful.

How can I guarantee that profit processes will make a difference to your business?

Well they can't FAIL to make a difference in my experience. They almost 'force' you to do the things that move your business forwards.

Again, you know me and you know I don't make claims like this lightly, but if you take the time to install Profit Processes in your business you WILL see results.

In the same way that if you had five products instead of one you would almost certainly make more money right?

Well installing profit processes into a business that doesn't have any (or doesn't have many existing processes) can't really fail to make a difference.

This isn't necessarily about creating more products either (although the more the merrier in my opinion) because you can use profit processes very successfully with NO products at all.

So when it comes to what they actually do, think profit maximisation strategies.

You ever had a Christmas morning when you were a kid and no one remembered to get the batteries for your new toy?

That's a business without Profit Processes, 

Of course not everyone will 'get' Profit Processes, but if you do (and most do) then you're about to start work in your own gold mine.
Simple, Effective And Proven
My Profit Processes Workshop has just ONE premise:

That you can change your life financially by installing profit processes in your business. 

In the same way that Henry Ford introduced the production line to replicate a successful process, so you can introduce profit processes in your business that extract the maximum amount of profit from your prospects, leads, sales, offers and buyers. 

You can do this in a pretty much  automated way if you wish or you can keep your hand on the rudder on a daily basis

The choice is yours (I'll show you multiple examples of both)

No one I've ever taught this system to has 'gone back' to their old way of running a business, me included

Usually because it involves a significant increase in income in a very short time.

None of this is all works As you're about to find out

I'm Offering You A MASSIVE Advantage Over 95% Of Your Competitors
So what I'm offering here is really a shortcut in terms of knowledge - a huge advantage.

It's the equivalent of me standing next to you saying: 

'Look - if you just use Profit Processes  in your business starting now you'll not only save yourself a huge heap of time, but also you'll start really moving forward and you won't look back...probably ever'

Of course you'll need to actually DO what I suggest in the Workshop, but if you do, you're going to see the other side of the fence, perhaps for the first time since you got involved in online marketing.

You've got to actually use them to reap the rewards obviously

But if you understand that, and you put these processes in place, you're going to have an advantage over 95% of people who simply don't know how powerful these  Profit Processes are.
most of your competitors are NOT using these Processes
I can take a look at most online businesses, especially in the internet marketing field and tell immediately that they're not using Profit Processes.

Even some successful marketers who intuitively DO use Profit Processes are barely aware of how important they are and know even less about teaching them to others.

Look - there are plenty of marketers out there who earn more than me. 

That's mostly my choice.

I CHOOSE to work 3 hours a day so I can spend time with my family, friends and people I Iove.

Profit Processes not only allow me to do this (and on my own terms) but also mean that I now have the ability to to earn six figures a year (five figures per month) and work perhaps one day a week if I choose.

I haven't my mind up about actually reducing my business hours down to this tiny level yet - I really love what i do - but the point is that Profit Processes have made that possible for me.

And that's what I'm offering in the Workshop.

For me it's about the lifestyle not the money for me, and always has been

For you it might be different - and that's where Profit Processes come in.
not using profit processes could leave your business stranded
My personal view is that without Profit Processes your business can only go so far, especially in terms of income.

Listen up - my income is fine for me for now. I spend most of my time doing things I love doing and I don 't worry about money.

But with the economy as it is, I sometimes wonder if at some point I'll need to earn more?

Maybe I'll need an income boost for something like buying my kids a house to make sure they get on the property ladder or if something unexpected happens.

Hopefully all will be fine, but if not, I'm still not worried because I use Profit Processes in my business I have the ability to increase my income very quickly should I need to.

I have the scalability and the knowledge thanks to Profit Processes

But in my opinion, anyone who doesn't use or isn't aware of Profit Processes could be stranded permanently below the income ceiling they need.

It's not their fault of course.

If you've never come across the strategies in Profit Processes before then how would you know that the even exist? 

If you DO know they exist (and you certainly might because they're hiding in plain sight) then you need to be damn sure you learn about them from someone who actually uses them like me, and NOT a 'do as I say not as I do' guru type.
if you need just one good reason to put profit processes into your business right now this is it:
The fact is that only 5% of online marketers are successful and make any real money.

You just need to look around at all the BS and misdirection that comes from so called 'experts' who won't share their actual income figures, their business techniques or their income strategies  (I share ALL THOSE and more)

I've launched multiple four, five and  six-figure products

I've coached well over a hundred students and private clients

My Inner Circle Membership has been going strong for around a decade and has brought me hundreds of thousand of dollars in revenue

And as I said earlier I earn six-figures a year working just 3 hours a day without needing anyone else whatsoever

So now it's time to be blunt:

This isn't some fancy pitch for a get-rich product where you press a button and a dollar drops out of the sky.

And if you're expecting to have the secrets of the universe revealed to you by some bloke sitting at the top of a mountain then you should probably leave the page now.

Because this workshop is full to the brim with real-world information about what actually works. There's no denying that - you'll see more proof than you can handle.

It might not be what you're expecting and it might not even be what you want to hear, but I know for a FACT that this works incredibly well if you put it into action

I am also going to show you how to walk in the opposite direction to the herd, because the herd are the unsuccessful majority. 

Just look around you and you'll see the blind leading the blind, no one with any real idea of what they want from their life or from their business.

Maybe because most of the herd don't use Profit Processes.

Which they bloody well should, because it changed my life, and I think it can change yours. 

In a business sense of course, I can't promise it will fix a broke relationship or make you happier...but if finances are going well the personal stuff usually falls into place too in my experience.

After all, there aren't many problems that more free time than you can handle and a six-figure income can't start to solve ;)

That's Profit Processes

I can't guarantee that you've never come across this information before.

I can't even promise that it's what you're expecting.

But I can guarantee you've never had my spin on it before, and that it works if you put it into action
You're Almost There...
So what's included?

You get instant access to the full Workshop which is three PDF Modules

Each module will show you precisely the strategies involved in how Profit Processes work and how to install them in your own business OR create a business from scratch based on Profit Processes 

I'll show you examples from my own business as well as case studies and examples that show precisely how everything works 'behind the scenes'

Remember we're not talking theory here - this is what took me and many others through various income barriers and obstacles to earning five figures per month.

By the time you have completed the workshop you will be have the necessary knowledge to fully utilise Profit Processes in your own business.
Get Instant Access NOW
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Birthday Celebration Discount! 
$97 $47
Use Code 'BIRTHDAY' At Checkout Page 



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track

  • One In-Depth Email Appraisal of Your Business or Business Plan

*I'll do a marketing and strategy appraisal and give you my insights into your business (or business plan if you're still at planning stage) suggest changes, offer advice and include my suggested action plan



  • 3 Module Workshop
  • 3 Weeks Accountability 

*Send me your weekly targets and goals and each week I'll (gently) hold you to account and keep you on track

  • One In-Depth Email Appraisal of Your Business or Business Plan

*I'll do a marketing and strategy appraisal and give you my insights into your business (or business plan if you're still at planning stage) suggest changes, offer advice and include my suggested action plan

  • 3 Weeks (Mon-Thurs) Personal one-on-one email mentoring  to help you implement and action this strategy

*This is where we can work together to build the strategies into your business system, ideas and income-generating system. I will personally reply to your emails, advise on strategy, help with your decision making (should you require), evaluate and advise on your sales pages, lead generation processes and any other areas of your business that you wish.

P.S. Installing Profit Processes in an online business is probably the most powerful marketing strategy I've personally come across in more than a decade of online marketing.

Finding and using Profit Processes was genuinely life-changing for me and I sincerely believe it could be for you. It has the potential to be the tipping point you've been waiting for. I don't say that lightly. Get instant access to this Workshop now.

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