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Get My Brand-New Totally 'Experimental' 60-Page Downloadable PDF Coaching Blueprint BEFORE I Start Teaching  It To My High-Ticket Private Clients Tomorrow

get my brand-new $4,997 coaching blueprint for less than 1% of the price

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Tony Shepherd's ...


"the difference between Weak Thinking & Strategy and Effective Thinking & Strategy is hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

"How To Get Things DONE...Not Just To Be Productive...But In A Way That Makes Money!


"Well, Because I've Never Taught This Before  And I Don't Know If It Will Work...But I Think It Will ...And If That Happens It Should Be A Game-Changer For You!"

"Get the blueprint of the exact same coaching I'll be teaching to my high-ticket $4,997 clients ( For a fraction of the price!)"


"I'm going to (Give It My Best Shot) & teach you What they said couldn't be taught"

An important message from Tony Shepherd...

Full Disclosure...

You're invited here as a guinea pig...

I'm going to experiment on you and I don't know if this will work or not.

I think it will...and if that happens it'll be a game-changer for you

If it doesn't work you're just out some time and a bit of money - and that's why it's priced as it is. 

That's where we stand, right?

Let me explain...

So I'm about to start personally teaching high-ticket clients a new strategy for getting things done (I'm talking about making money) online on a 121 basis.

And we're going to be chucking the rulebook out.

Because in my opinion it's next to impossible to start an online business or income stream using the same methods as everyone else.

Especially if you currently lack confidence and knowledge

Which is why my goal is to get your business thinking AND your business strategy working together, possibly for the first time ever.

What's the catch?

There are TWO 'catches'

1. The price increases tomorrow forever

2. You 'only' get the blueprint, although this is a 60-page detailed downloadable PDF. If you want my full email support coaching package it'll cost you $4,497 when doors open tomorrow

So What is CRUX about?

Well here's the thing...

Have you ever wondered why one person can start multiple online businesses or multiple streams of income successfully - often at the same time - while others struggle to make even a cent online?

Those people have a 'life-force' that they bring to everything they do online.

I'm not talking about charisma or manifesting or any of that stuff, (although that has its place in bringing success)

I'm talking about the actual things they DO and the 'spark' they bring to the table to generate their income. 

These combination of things combine into a CRUX - a central way of earning money online.

The CRUX is a way of thinking AND doing that come together to make things work.

It's radical, and I have no doubt it will scare some people because it could be argued that this combination, and especially the 'spark' can't be taught.

But I disagree.

I think it can not only be taught, it can work for anyone with an open mind too.

Firstly you'll have to come out of Disney World and realise that making money online isn't a pretty musical. 

It's more Sex Pistols than Frozen.

It involves speed, guesses, compromises (usually with yourself) and strategies that would scare the crap out your average Warrior Plus vendor.

I'm talking about throwing out the rulebook forever and replacing it with strategies that you can use to do things you've maybe never been able to do before.

Start To Do Things You've 
Never Been Able To Do Before

(WARNING: This Might Not Be For You)

Honestly, it depends how receptive you are to new ideas...

You may have already realised that making money online is NOT a cookie cutter science. 

There are no 'default' answers.

Only solutions for YOUR particualr set-up (as I'll show you)

For example if you ask the question 'Should I offer a money-back guarantee with my product'

The answer is yes...and no.

It obviously depends on CONTEXT.

For one style of marketing it might work well and increase conversions.

For another it might result in having to refund most of the profit you made.

It's all about knowing what fits for you.

And most wannabe marketers have no idea about what their business actually IS, let alone context.

You can buy a $9 info product and make a million dollars from it

I KNOW for a fact that has happened.

But the factors have to line up more brightly than they did that fateful night in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago.

It's akin to finding a random key on the street and then it perfectly fitting the lock of a penthouse flat.

It HIGHLY BLOODY UNLIKELY - a million to one chance perhaps.

But with my CRUX strategy I think I can show you exactly how to find your own context - hell to MAKE your own context - and that will lead to increased conversions, profits and more money.

I'm not just talking about context though...

We're talking a combination of 'your business your rules' and standing on the shoulders of giants who already smashed open the cookie jar so we can simply take our pick of the golden eggs (and other mixed metaphors) that are just lying around waiting to be collected.

Why am I releasing the blueprint Before launching the Higher-Ticket coaching?

Because I want to know that it works.

And because it's brand-new I can't guarantee that it will.

But as I said earlier I THINK it will, and if it does...well we're talking genuinely game-changing events for your online business

Fancy the ride?

If your online business isn't currently working for you, You've Reached that time - time to start doing stuff you've never done Before.

CRUX Blueprint is available for immediate download

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get my brand-new $4,997 coaching blueprint for less than 1% of the price


Early-Bird Price

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Pre-Order My Brand-New Totally 'Experimental' 60-Page Downloadable Coaching Blueprint BEFORE I Start Teaching 
It To My High-Ticket Private Clients

Want To Work With Me To Get Your Business Off The Ground?

Tony Shepherd's ...

"S.F.S. Strategy"


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Copyright © Tony Shepherd 2024