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Tony Shepherd's...


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"How to use the law of attraction to build a six-figure online business

(Even if you don't believe in it)

and Ultimately manifest your ideal lifestyle into the bargain!"

An important message from Tony Shepherd...

I’m putting myself on the line here I reckon...

Because I don't 'do' dream-catchers, horoscopes or astrology.

It might even come as a shock to you to learn that I don't even do goal-setting any more, or reciting affirmations while looking in the mirror every morning.

I don't do these things any more because there are much easier ways of attracting prosperity and happiness into your life.

Ways I use to attract into my life money, ideas, events, luck (yes luck), love, and a lifestyle that I could only have dreamed of when I was struggling with a 9-5 job many years ago.

Methods YOU could use.

To change your situation

To design your own ideal, amazing wonderful life.

We are all capable of 'hacking' the source code of the universe

Yes I know how that sounds :)

I was brought up in the North of England in a loving but poor working-class household and the only manifestation we knew about was the mould caused by the damp on the living room wall.

So when I actually realised that I could change my own reality it was quite a bloody shock I can tell you.

I'm about as psychic as a brick, and even I learned exactly how to do this.

I'm a 6'4'' down to earth bloke.

I like walking, wine, Guinness, holidays and good food, I'm a family man and I live in a small rural Yorkshire village, so I'm definitely not one of the incense and Tibetan singing bowl crowd, right?

Where I live you're considered 'mystical' if you own a pair of sandals.

And yet somehow, despite my very 'normal' background I learned how to alter the fabric of my reality.

To attract things into my life and change my situation by using practical, hands-on Law of Attraction methods that I'm going to share with you in this publication.

Don't worry it won't involve slaughtering chickens at midnight, drawing weird-looking chalk pentagrams on your dining room floor or selling your soul to Santa (not a typo)

I have no idea how this works!

(But it DOES work)

I have no idea how this works.

I won't pretend I do - but it DOES work.

Call it goal-setting, wealth manifestation, positive-thinking or asking the Universe for help - whatever - but it DOES work.

I don't know whether this is science or magic.

This could be Newton's Third Law of Motion for all I know. 

In fact if I had to guess I'd say that the Law of Attraction (LoA) has a BIG connection to science, especially with modern discoveries in quantum physics.

It could be God of course.

It could be some form of magic too - after all every society worldwide has its shamen, witches, medicine men, magicians and seers.

Or it could simply be force of will

Perhaps it's something innate in all human beings that has been there since we evolved, and we've just forgotten about it because of the explosion of amazing technology that has happened over the last few decades.

We've not always been a rational species, and we still aren't.

How many people still won't walk under ladders, or throw salt over their shoulders when they accidentally spill some?

Many of the young men killed in the trenches of WWI were found to be carrying home-made charms and folk talismans to protect them alongside their Bibles and Holy Medals.

All I'm saying is that having an open mind about the LoA was one of the most profitable things that has ever happened to me.

Which is why I need to say this next:

Some of you should probably leave now

This publication really isn't for some people.

It's the only publication I've ever written where I can't offer any PROOF (although I'm going to share with you exactly what has happened with my own life and business, some clients I've worked with on this AND some people I know who practice variations on this)

I can tell you exactly how this changed my life, but I can't show you a screenshot or income statement.

So if you're a very religious person who thinks that the Harry Potter films are a gateway to Hell you should probably leave, because you're going to read about some quirky ideas and practices that you might consider out of whack with your religious beliefs.

If you are the sort of person who won't believe anything unless you 'see it with your own eyes' you should also consider leaving...although perhaps not, because I probably fell into that category myself for quite some time.

Your call really.

If you see the world from a strictly scientific viewpoint where everything is explainable, rational and can be reduced to set of numbers or a formula this probably isn't for you, unless you fancy a good laugh and something to take the piss out of :)

And if you feel remotely frightened or challenged by this, the leave now.

There's nothing dangerous in what I'm going to share (as far as I know), but having your existing belief system challenged can be terrifying so if you feel uneasy, probably best to go watch TV instead.

All I ask is that you judge this on the results you obtain

If you feel a little uncomfortable with what you've read up to now that's fine. 

I was also very skeptical when I started looking into this.

And when I first started DOING this I felt really stupid :)

But then I realised how many marketers and business people actually practise some form of LoA I was astounded.

You just have to scroll through Facebook Posts or Instagram to find marketers sharing their 'To Do' lists, targets, goals, affirmations, prayers, routines and daily rites.

You probably tried these yourself right?

Me too

But here's the BAD NEWS:

Almost ALL of the things I tried Before didn't work for me

I tried all the above methods - the goal setting, the targets, the postcards and the routines.

None of them worked in any significant way.

Which is when it CLICKED with me:

to succeed, we don't change ourselves
...we change the world around us!

I did some research and it blew my mind.

I found that throughout history, the most effective methods - and I'm talking about actual reports of this working - didn't come about when the practitioner changed themselves.

Nope - they work best when we change our own reality.

Now I'm not talking about manifesting a lottery win (although I have a very strange story to tell you about that), I'm talking about hacking the fabric of the universe in a small, personal way that actively changes your reality in terms of success, happiness and prosperity.

So I tried it and it worked.

I shared it with a few close contacts, clients and open-minded people and they got results too.

i wanted to write this publication for years but was too scared

I can almost guarantee that I'll lose subscribers because I've launched this publication.

This is a subject that doesn't sit well with everyone.

Some people are going to think I'm a nutter, deluded, a hippie, evil, a bullshitter or even have mental health issues.

The good news is I don't give a shit :)

I know what a difference this has made to my life and that's why I want to share this.

I've also proved myself as a successful online marketer, with consistent results over many decades so I'm not in the same vulnerable position I might have been when I first thought about sharing this (yes that's how long I've been using this)

so what exactly am i sharing?

I'm sharing what I think is the best way to manifest your own reality in terms of wealth, success and happiness.

I am no mystical guru!

But I can show you what works for me and others.

I can't make you any promises that this will work for you - it's unquantifiable really - but I am also convinced this CAN change your life.

In this downloadable 60 page PDF I'm going to walk you through various strategies and techniques that can bring results that perhaps your business efforts alone can't produce.

If you've been trying unsuccessfully to build an online business for some time, or you need new ideas, a change in direction or just want to see the change you deserve...

...well maybe the Universe can give you the results you need.

That's what I'm sharing with you today - a way to change your current reality.

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P.S. Time to make a change?
Any Q's just ask


Copyright © Tony Shepherd 2024