The problem is that most people don't know how to move up to a higher level (let alone their HIGHEST level) because they're not aware of the ideal strategy for where they currently are.
Sounds complicated?
It's really not...
You're probably someone who works hard on their online business (or on planning one if you haven't started anything yet)
But if you don't know what level you're currently at, the odds are likely stacked against you because don't know what action you need to take for your current level.
All levels require different actions to succeed.
They're all different.
For example some levels fail because of lack of knowledge, others fail because they're missing out on a strategy they don't even know exists, some because they're focusing on entirely the wrong thing and yet others because they're DOING the right thing, but for the WRONG level.
You could be working on precisely the WRONG thing for your situation RIGHT NOW and not realise it...until you discover the main symptom is you're still not making any money despite how hard you try.
It's like trying to climb up to a second-story window without a ladder.
Or trying to get money out of an ATM without knowing the PIN number for your card.
And it's not your fault because you've never been at a higher level so how would you know what you need to do?
You probably weren't even aware that levels exist.
But what if there was something that you could do - a strategy that you could apply starting today - that would solve your unique* problem by getting you to where you wanted to be, from where you are now?
*(Yes my strategy provides pretty unique solutions)
Even if you haven't started an online business yet, this strategy can show you how to power yourself through the levels fast than 99% of marketers could even dream of?
That's what my Income Lifeline Strategy can do.
I reckon I can whisper that PIN number in your ear too ;)