Want To Work With Me To Take Your Business To The Next Level?

"I'm Going To Teach A Limited Number Of People The Exact Steps They Can Start TODAY To Increase Their Existing Online Income OR To Start It Happening!"

Tony Shepherd's...

Income Lifeline Strategy


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If you're not earning as much as you want (or need) from your online business, or haven't started anything, you should seriously think about this:

If You Can't Answer The Following Question Your Online Income Is Possibly In BIG Trouble

"Out of the six levels of online marketer, which are you?...
...And do you know exactly what you should be doing to move up?"

"Want To Work Personally With Me To Take Your Business To A Level That Meets Your Financial Needs?"

(This is the first time I've shared this strategy)

An important message from Tony Shepherd...

I’m here to throw you a lifeline, if you want to take it.

A financial lifeline to pull you in from floundering in the choppy sea of zero sales...to the warm beach of six figures a year and up.

IF you want to grab it.

Because there’s a catch.

You will have to do things differently to what you’ve been doing up until this point.

You’ll need to change your business behaviour, depending on a few simple criteria that I’ll reveal in the strategy I'm offering to share with you right now.

The reason you need to do things differently is simple - what you are currently doing isn’t working if you’re not achieving the results you want.

I’ve been there so I know what I’m talking about.

And there's something else...

If you’re attempting a method that is simply WRONG for your situation, you’re just going nowhere.

You need actual roadmaps, actual strategies to follow, and proven strategies to follow.

And that’s what I’ve got for you here - exactly what you need to do.
How you can do it, starting right now...

Let's Talk About LEVELS:

You Can't Move To A Better Position Financially If You Don't Know Where You Currently Are

The problem is that most people don't know how to move up to a higher level (let alone their HIGHEST level) because they're not aware of the ideal strategy for where they currently are.

Sounds complicated?

It's really not...

You're probably someone who works hard on their online business (or on planning one if you haven't started anything yet)

But if you don't know what level you're currently at, the odds are likely stacked against you because don't know what action you need to take for your current level.

All levels require different actions to succeed.

They're all different. 

For example some levels fail because of lack of knowledge, others fail because they're missing out on a strategy they don't even know exists, some because they're focusing on entirely the wrong thing and yet others because they're DOING the right thing, but for the WRONG level.

You could be working on precisely the WRONG thing for your situation RIGHT NOW and not realise it...until you discover the main symptom is you're still not making any money despite how hard you try.

It's like trying to climb up to a second-story window without a ladder.

Or trying to get money out of an ATM without knowing the PIN number for your card.

And it's not your fault because you've never been at a higher level so how would you know what you need to do?

You probably weren't even aware that levels exist.

But what if there was something that you could do - a strategy that you could apply starting today -  that would solve your unique* problem by getting you to where you wanted to be, from where you are now?

*(Yes my strategy provides pretty unique solutions)

Even if you haven't started an online business yet, this strategy can show you how to power yourself through the levels fast than 99% of marketers could even dream of?

That's what my Income Lifeline Strategy can do.

I reckon I can whisper that PIN number in your ear too ;)

So What Does My Lifeline Strategy Actually Involve?

Well, this strategy works in pretty much any online niche.

It's practical, and it's about obtaining your desired income level.

Part I is about identifying what level of marketer you currently are and what you need to do to move up to your desired level. Even if you've not yet started anything

Part II Is the actual strategy for doing that. The meat and bones.

This strategy will allow you to become the marketer you want to be - it will show you exactly what steps you need to take to get your income and your business to where you want it to be

It will uncover the precise actions you need to take to attain the income level you want, the traffic source, the communication pattern, the angle, the targeting, the products (if any), the affiliate setup (if any) and everything else you need to become the marketer you want, at the level you want.

And more importantly, get you to the level you want to be at financially.

It's income-focused because to be honest, income helps solve most of your day to day issues and problems.

(And because when your online profit is good, your motivation and inspiration are at all-time highs, and I've found that the best motivation EVER for my clients is to show them the results they want)

So, in short...

It's time to finally get A Practical  'income Map' That you've Probably never had before.

I'm offering you a chance to find out exactly where you want to go with your online business (most aspiring marketers haven't a clue) AND to hand you a unique solution for your business (yes it will be pretty much unique to your business)

I'm talking about finally moving in the right income direction

About knowing what to do to get your income to the level you want, starting as soon as you can sit down at your computer and get started.

What Niche, and what do you need?

This is aimed at anyone who wants to increase their existing online income OR to build one from nothing.

It will work in most - in fact probably ALL -  niches although I've only really taught this to clients in the internet marketing and make money online niches.

You'll need the usual stuff that online businesses need - a way of managing your contacts, prospects or audience, a way of taking payment and a way of building simple web pages. 

There's some work involved of course, but nothing that can't be accomplished pretty quickly. 

What's in this 60 Page PDF Publication?

  • Part I - What level are you currently at (page 4)
  •  The 'Too good to be true' myth  (page 7)
  • ​Why trying to build your income doesn't work without knowing THIS (page 8)
  • ​Two quick things about whatever niche you're in that makes a HUGE difference (page 9)
  • ​The FIRST thing you should always do before trying to improve your income but most don't have a clue (page 10)
  • ​Why knowing your marketing level is VITAL when it comes to knowing what to do next (page 13)
  • ​The different levels and strategies most marketers aren't aware of (page 14 - 33)
  • ​Part II - The BIG head start that you can't afford NOT to have (page 35)
  • ​The Lifeline Strategy revealed (page 36)
  • ​The 'forensic' approach - a case study (page 37)
  • ​Identify the income level you want and use THIS to attain it (page 37)
  • ​How exactly what to do is mapped out for you IF you do this (page 38)
  • ​How I used this strategy to get free traffic (39)
  • ​The deadly effective 'D*******N part of the Lifeline Strategy 
  • ​How I used the strategy to move up levels and surpass my competition (page 42)
  • ​How to use the B***E********* part of the strategy to hugely profitable effect (page 43)
  • ​How to do the above RIGHT NOW using existing free platforms (page 44)
  • ​The OTHER scarily effective part of the Lifeline Strategy (page 48)
  • ​What's missing from your current results and how to install it for increased income (page 49)
  • ​The 'Impossible Equation' that makes it difficult NOT to make money with your online business (page 51)
  • ​How 'E******N' is something you need to do to increase your income (page 52)
  • ​What goes on behind 'closed doors' (page 54)
  • ​The $27 'entry fee' I paid to see inside an entire income funnel and how you should do the same (page 55)
  •  Two mini 'D********N' case studies (page 57-58)
  • ​Summary...and a warning (page 59-60)

I'm looking for A Very Limited Number of people to work with me until they have set up this business and seen actual financial results.

Until you see results - seriously?

Is this unlimited email coaching?


I'll work with you providing email consultation for as long as it take for you to start seeing results.

There are conditions of course - mainly that you actually DO the strategy we work together to plan uniquely for your business. You need to actually create the business. If you do, I'm so confident that this will work that I'm happy to work with your for as long as it takes.

(You can of course just grab the 60-page strategy blueprint and do this in your own time although you obviously won't get my email consulting)

Also there is an option to upgrade to my full email consulting after purchasing the blueprint should you wish to do so.

And based on similar things I've run before I'm pretty sure these slots will sell out quickly.

But make no mistake, what you are getting with this blueprint IS the very same process I would use myself if I was setting up a business  online today AND that I teach to any consulting clients who want an exact plan of where to take their online business.

That's my guarantee to you. 

TODAY - You Can Get My Entire $697 Strategy:

(Without Email Consulting Option) 

"Exactly What Steps You Can Take TODAY To Increase Your Existing Online Income OR To Start It Happening" 

...As A 60-Page PDF Blueprint 
for just $97  $37

Limited Places Available

Again I'm being totally honest with you...

Once these slots sell out, the consulting option will close. 

So I can't promise you'll ever see this again.

Limited Time Offer


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Work With Me Personally Until You See Results (Email Consulting) 

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Get The LifeLine Strategy Blueprint Only

$37 $97 

*It's Currently Possible To Upgrade To The Work With Me Option If You Purchase The Strategy Blueprint Only (Subject To Places Being Available). 
P.S. Your efforts up until now have only gotten you so far, right?

Maybe it's time to change that.

You get instant access to the entire strategy

Any Q's just ask


Copyright © Tony Shepherd 2022